Pokémon-vs-Palworld-la-guerre-juridique-est-actée ShinyBall
article Pokémon

Pokémon vs Palworld: the legal war is over!

Today we delve into the turbulent waters of the legal war between The Pokémon Company and Palworld. As the world of creatures caught in an open world reaches a new boil, tensions are rising and ...

article PokémonPalworld-Records-de-vente-et-soupçons-de-plagiat-la-saga-qui-fait-débat ShinyBall

Palworld: Sales records and suspicions of plagiarism, the saga that is causing debate!

On January 19, the gaming world enthusiastically welcomed "Palworld", developed by Pocket Pair studio, into early access on Xbox and PC. In just five days, the game managed to attract no less th...